
Fee Waiver Program for Academics

Exam Fee Discount Programs



For more information on the Society of Actuaries Waiver Rules please contact Brett Rogers at brogers@soa.org



对于一个习惯了考试的中国人来说,IFoA的CT阶段的考试还不算特别吃力。大不了多刷些真题,考查的知识点和题型无非也就那几种。但CA阶段开始考理解方式,所以即便背答案可能也没有用。而到最后ST和SA的三门,有些人反复考都无法通过,这时就会考虑转战CAA或者SOA。 CAA、SOA和IFoA的互认转换主要分为两种形式:一对一科目抵免和准精算师层次整体抵免。

IFoA转换为CAA: 2017年秋季中国精算师协会会员水平测试手册(见附录) 1.一对一科目抵免 通过IFoA考试科目 免考CAA测试科目 CT3 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics A1 数学 CT1 - Financial Mathematics A2 金融数学 CT4 – Models 和CT6 - Statistical Methods A3 精算模型 CT5 - Contingencies A5 寿险精算 2.准精算师层次整体抵免。 对于2011年3月17日至2016年12月期间取得英国准精算师资格者,可以直接申请转换中国精算师协会会员水平测试A1至A8全部课程;2011年3月17日之前或2016年12月之后取得英国准精算师资格者,不再进行转换。 SOA转换为CAA: 2017年秋季中国精算师协会会员水平测试手册(见附录) 通过SOA考试科目 免考CAA测试科目 Exam P - Probability A1 数学 Exam FM - Financial Mathematics A2 金融数学 Exam C – Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models A3 精算模型 Exam M- Actuarial Models-Life Contingencies Segment (MLC) A5 寿险精算 CAS转换为CAA: 2017年秋季中国精算师协会会员水平测试手册(见附录) 通过CAS考试科目 免考CAA测试科目 EXAM 1 - Probability A1 数学 EXAM 2 - Financial Mathematics A2 金融数学 EXAM 4 - Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models A3 精算模型 EXAM 5 - Basic Techniques for Ratemaking & Estimating Claim EXAM 6 - Reserving, Insurance Accounting Principles, Reinsurance, and Enterprise Risk Management A6 非寿险精算

IFoA转换为SOA: Waiver Rules for Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Exams

Generally, all Institute and Faculty (IFoA) courses should have been acquired by passing the examinations. However, IFoA exemptions for Subjects CT1-CT8 are acceptable provided that the exemptions were acquired through an accredited IFoA university program. Exemption waiver credit from another system of actuarial education to IFoA credit will not be accepted by the SOA for waiver/exemption of its courses.


CAA转换为IFoA: Members of other actuarial associations Currently we cannot grant exemptions to anyone who achieved China Association of Actuaries qualifications before 17 March 2011 or after 30 September 2015.


其他类别的资格考试(如CFA)转换为IFoA: Other Professional bodies (Route C)

