西交利物浦大学MTH214和利物浦大学MTH373属于寿险精算II科目。Jackie开设了MTH214和MTH373的一对一在线辅导课,帮助同学们更高效地掌握寿险精算的知识点,目前已经辅导过西浦和利物浦2018级和2019级的部分同学,授课效果都不错。备课结合了MTH214和MTH373的Textbook: Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks 3rd edition by David C. M. Dickson,IFoA官方的CM1教材,以及MTH214 / MTH373的历年试卷,针对性涵盖考试全部题型。
MTH214 / MTH373 预计辅导课时
根据以往MTH214 / MTH373的辅导情况,大致的授课时长如下:
MTH214 / MTH373 Topic | 精算后花园-辅导-章节标题 | 授课时长 |
Multiple state models | L1 Multiple State Models | 3小时 |
Multiple state models | L2 Competing risks | 3小时 |
Joint and Last Survivor Life Model | L3 Joint life and last survivor functions | 2小时 |
Joint and Last Survivor Life Model | L4 Contingent and reversionary benefits | 2小时 |
Joint and Last Survivor Life Model | L5 Mortality profit | 1小时 |
Pension Mathematics | L6 Pension funds | 2小时 |
Profit Testing | L7 Unit-linked and accumulating with-profits contracts |
2小时 |
Universal Life Insurance | L8 Universal Life Insurance | 2小时 |
Profit Testing for Traditional Insurance ; Profit Testing for Equity-linked Insurance |
L9 Profit testing | 2小时 |
Zeroized non-unit reserves | L10 Reserving aspects of profit testing | 2小时 |
Mortality standardisation | L11 Mortality, selection and standardisation | 2小时 |
Principles of actuarial modelling | L12 Principles of actuarial modelling | 1小时 |
注:MTH373不考 L8 Universal Life Insurance
MTH214 / MTH373 和 IFoA CM1科目内容大部分一致(差异部分也已补充进课程)。课程样例和详细介绍见: CM1利息理论&寿险精算 一对一在线辅导 开课了!
MTH214 / MTH373 的前置课程是MTH217 / MTH273(寿险精算I):
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